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CACIB Zagreb 24.11.2018.

Iako prezaposleni organizacijom Specijalne izložbe Nordic Cluba dan prije, i pripremanjem ispita za kinološkog suca dan poslje, uhvatili smo vremena da bar jedan dan izložimo jednog psa. Odluka je pala, Inyabu One Punch Mickey "Snatch" je taman počeo dobivati svoju zimsku dlaku, te je bio realan odabir.

Snatch je predstavljen u otvorenom razredu, te je suđenjem Darka Drobnjaka osvojio titule CAC & R.CACIB.

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Inyabu One Punch Mickey "Snatch" - odličan, I., CAC & R.CACIB



CAC Bjelovar

Nastavak izložbene karijere naše ruske princeze T-Lesark Ombrellie "Roxy" nastavili smo u Bjelovaru. Roxy je u međurazredu osvojila još jedan CAC, a potom i BOB i 3.mjesto u grupi. Sudac je bio Nikola Smolić iz Hrvatske, vani već poznati expert za V grupu.

DSC_0056.jpgT-Lesark Ombrellia "Roxy" - excellent, I., CAC, BOB & 3rd BOG!!!!



2. Alfa Canis dog race

Na prekrasnom mjestu Camp Zagreb u organizaciji Alfa Canis kluba održana je druga po redu Alfa Canis utrka pasa. Na utrci je nstupilo čak pet pasa iz Inyabu uzgajivačnice.
Ugodno druženje s Inyabu dječicom popratili su i odlični rezultati;

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Inyabu Raveena "Hera" & Adrian Gojević - 2.mjesto cani cross polar - muškarci

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Inyabu Sooshka Lee "Sooshka" & Anđelka Mađar - 1. mjesto cani cross  polar - žene

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Inyabu Marvel "Thor" & Vedrana Miholić - 2. mjesto cani cross  polar - žene

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T-Lesark Ombrellia "Roxy" & Nives Medunjanin Božičević - 3. mjesto cani cross  polar - žene

Inyabu Sooshka Lee "Sooshka" & Ema Mađar - 4. mjesto cani cross  polar - žene

Luppo & Sven Božičević - 7.mjesto - cani cross - djeca



23. International Sleddog weekend, Hungary

Mađarsku internacionalnu trku zaprežnih pasa, smo posjećivali svake godine, ali smo ju prošle godine preskočili jer se nikako nismo mogli organizirati s jako malim djetetom.

Ove godine smo s nestrpljenjem očekivali ovaj datum. Odluka je pala, Boris i ja ćemo oba dana trčati s malom ruskinjom T-Lesark Ombrellia "Roxy", jedan za drugim, znači po 3km za nas i po 6 km, za nju. A naš sin SVen će se okušati po prvi put u Kids Cani crossu s njegovim starim Luppom.

Prekrasan sportski vikend, pun druženja sa nekim starim i nekim novim prijateljima donjeo je i lijepe rezultate;

Boris Božičević & T-Lesark Ombrellia"Roxy" -
cani cros men - osvojili su 6.mjesto

Nives Medunjanin Božičević & T-Lesark Ombrellia - cani cross woman - osvojili su 20.mjesto


Sven Božičević & Luppo - cani cross kids (kategorija od 2-5god) - osvojili su 5.mjesto - Sven je preko veze upao u ovu kategoiju jer ima 1god. i 4 mjeseca, dok njegov partner Luppo čeka još mjesec dana da napuni 13.godina :-)



4 Rivers Winner - CACIB Karlovac 08.09.2018. & 09.09.2018.

Na možda najljepšoj izožbi u Hrvatskoj, dvostrukom CACIB Karlovcu, izložili smo našu rusku princezu, T-Lesark Ombrelliu "Roxy".

Na svojoj prvoj izložbi u Hrvatskoj, Roxy se prekrasno predstavila, i oduševila suce svojim neumornim lebdećim kretanjem.

Iskusni suci Barbara Muller iz Švicarske i Vibor Ježek iz Hrvatske, dodjelili su Roxy sljedeće titule; 2xCAC, 2xCACIB & Best of Opposite Sex!!!

pokret1.jpgT-Lesark Ombrellia "Roxy" - 2xCAC, 2xCACIB, BOS!!!

Puno hvala Roxynim uzgajivačima Tatyani Soldatovoj & Svetlani Remizovoj na ovoj preljepoj curi.




Popišanac trail - Slatina

Ovaj prekrasan trail smo zbog ozljede i obaveza opet morali propustiti, ali naravno nismo dopustili da ovaj prekrasan događanj prođe bez Inyabu pasa.

Naše boje je predstavljala Barbara Tukara & njezin Inyabu Saperlot "Sapi".

Pretrčali su 7kilometara traila, tempom 7:26, te osvojili 5.mjesto u kategoriji cani cross žene.

Unikatne, od drva izrađene medalje bile su osigurane i za pse i za njihove vlasnike.

Bravo ekipa!
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Novska Run - 8 km

Prekrasna utrka u Novskoj, simpatičnog naziva "Run te woods" održana je već četvrtu godinu za redom. Trčalo se od centra Novske do Novljanskog jezera asfaltom, dok je povratak nazad bio šumskim trailom. Iako ljudska trka, bila je apsolutno "dog friendly".

Na trku smo bili pozvani od naše Barbare Tukana i Inyabu Saperlota "Sapija" koji svake godine uveličaju ovo događanje. Uz Saperlota, na trci su učestvovla još dva Inyabu psa. Sapijeva sestrica Inyabu Sooshka Lee "Sooshka" i Sapijev nećak, već dokazani polumaratonac,  Inyabu Marvel "Thor". Osim što su svojim izgledom pljenili pažnju i bili glavna atrakcija, rezultati nisu izostali.

Inyabu Marvel "Thor" & Vedrana Miholić -16th place in woman category
Inyabu Sooshka Lee "Sooshka" & Anđelka Mađar - 24th place in woman category
Inyabu Saperlot "Sapi" & Barbara Tukara - 26th place in woman category

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Ponosna uzgajivačica i vlasnici sa svojim Inyabu psima; Saperlot, Marvel "Thor" & Sooshka

Srce nam je ko "kuća" kad gledamo naše Inyabu haskiće kako uživaju trčeći sa svojim vlasnicima.



CAC Koprivnica

CAC Koprivnica was the last dog show planned before the summer break. It became very hot, and all of our dogs was without coat.  Although we were hoping that Raksha would keep some of her beautiful coat  up to then, we didn't have that luck. Just a few days before the show, the girl decided to became naked :-). In the hope that she will win at least the Junior class and get the last necessary PRM to close the junior championship, we show her. But Raksha surprised us and closed her Junior championship with style.

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Inyabu Raksha "Raksha" won sympathy from judges and her breed judge Franjo Kovačev (HR) awarded her with the PRM, JBOB, BOB and 2nd place in the group R.BOG title.


Few minutes later in a big ring she stand on a throne again. Judge Branislav Rajić (SLO) placed her on
3rd place in BIS Junior

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With this results Raksha became Croatian Junior Champion!!



CAC Slavonski Brod

We could not miss CAC Slavonski Brod, because is held in sweet little town where our co-owned girl Inyabu Rani Marianna "Rani" live.

The advantage that the dog don't have to travel, was again a kind of disadvantage because we did not see Rani from shows in Osijek and Đakovo a month earlier. There was no time for ring training, and Rani is very young dog with bursting energy and her own will. There was nothing to do other to not touch legs and try to show her in most natural position on free.

She liked breed judge Saša Kitanović (SRB) very much, as soon she entered in his ring, she was in his lap giving kisses. The feeling was obviously mutual, so Rani won the PRM, JBOB and Best of Breed title..

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Later in a big ring, judge Jadranke Smojver Selimović (HR) shortlisted her in BIS junior.
With this success Rani became Croatian junior champion!



CAC Samobor and Sveta Nedelja & CAC Velika Gorica

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This weekend we spent on two national dogshows, which were relatively close to the place we live.
After almost 2 years of break, it was time for our black boy Inyabu One Punch Mickey "Snatch" to step back into the show ring. With Snatch we also entered our gray princess Inyabu Raksha in junior class.

First day on CAC Samobor & Sveta Nedelja 12.05.2018., judge Dušan Travnikar (SRB), placed Raksha excellent, II. in junior class, while Snatch won the show with his appearance, and with an excellent rating and the CAC from the open class won the title of Best of Breed (BOB)!!!

Unfortunately for family reasons, we had to go home before the BIS program, so Snatch did not have the chance to present himself in the BIS ring.
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Inyabu One Punch Mickey "Snatch" - CAC Samobor & Sveta Nedelja -excellent, I., CAC, BOB!!!

The next day was a new show, CAC Velika Gorica 13.05.2018. Judge Peter Harsanyi from Hungary gave Snatch (Inyabu One Punch Mickey) an excellent description and CAC in the open class, but Best of Breed title, with PRM and JBOB, this time goes to our young hope Inyabu Raksha.

Later in a BIS ring, Raksha was shortlisted in BIS Junior by judge Inese Pablaka (LV).

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Inyabu Raksha - CAC Velika Gorica - excellent, I., PRM, JBOB, BOB, shortlisted in BIS Junior



CAC Osijek 14.04.2018. & CAC Đakovo 15.04.2018.

Inyabu Rani Marianna "Rani", parti color eyes Inyabu beauty, lives in Slavonski Brod with her co-owner Anita, so it was logical to choose Slavonia shows, CAC Osijek & CAC Đakovo, for her dog show debut.

Although Rani was totally inexperienced in the show ring, our dear friend Lea Bartoš, presented her perfectly. On both days she won Junior female class & Junior best of breed.

Thanks to judges Gerard Jippingu and Dagmar Klein for their high opinion of our beauty.

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Inyabu Rani Marianna "Rani" - excellent, PRM, JBOB



Hendrix Sava half marathon

April 14th 2018 was held Hendrix Sava half marathon 2017 in Zagreb, a race named after the popular graffiti on railway bridge for trains over the Sava River.

Because high air temperature of about 24°C, it was very questionable will Inyabu Marvel "Thor", only half marathoner in Inyabu family, make the appearance on this race. But his owner Vedrana Miholić decided to take him with her.

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With well-crafted cooling tactics, with frequent snaking on the lower part of the track that has had backdrops of rain water since the previous rains, Vedrana managed to keep Thor hydrated enough to run. They passed 21km long track for 2 hours and 9 minutes, which was 9 minutes faster than their Hendrix's half marathon from last year.


Way to go guys!




6th memorial Henrik Sečnik

Girl from our last litter, Inyabu Raveena "Hera", who just celebrated her first B-day had cani cross debute, this weekend in Hraše, Slovenia with her owner Adrian Gojević.

Although the weather conditions for polar dogs were not very favorable
(temperature above 24°C), Hera & Adrian achieved an enviable speed at 4.36 min/km and after 3.5 km, they finished 4th in Cani cross men polar category.

I believe this is a wonderful start for a long cani cross career for the two of them.❤️

hera trka.jpgAdrian Gojević & Inyabu Raveena "Hera" - cani cross men polar - 4th place



Double CACIB Rijeka 24. & 25.02.2018.

After almost a year and a half show's absence because of family reasons, it was time to come back. We decided to shown one of the two girls that we kept in co-ownership from our last litter, Inyabu Raksha.

Without previous ring training, we took Raksha from her family just day before the show. She immediatley adaptd to the new situation and became a real little top model. Raksha turned out to be a natural talent.

First day of CACIB Rijeka, judge Jasna Matejčić (HR) gave Inyabu Raksha excellent critique and 2nd place in Junior class, but 2nd day judge Francisco Salvador Janeiro (P) decided to reward Raksha with excellent critique and 1st place in Junior class, declaring her as a Junior best of breed (JBOB).

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Later, in the main ring, she was short listed by judge Georg Baklushin (RU), and represented V FCI group (JBOG) in BIS Junior.

Second day, Raksha was presented by our dear friend Lea Bartoš.

Inyabu Raksha - 2nd day CACIB Rijeka - excellent, I., PRM, JBOB, JBOG!!



7th circle Omanovac winter training league

Neither the cold "Siberian" front that caught Croatia didn't prevented Barbara and Inyabu Saperlot from participating in last, 7th circle Omanovac winter training league.

In the end, they received beautiful handmade medal..

Although the winter training league is over,  I believe tat this duo will soon found new challenges and continue its training in the spring.




6th circle Omanovac winter training league

Inyabu Saperlot "Sapi" & Barbara finished their 6th, penultimate, circle Omanovac winter training league. This time with a personal record. The time needed for a well-known route was a bit less then an hour, or more precisley, 59 minutes and 51 seconds.
Well done guys!!
Barbara Tukara & Inyabu Saperlot


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Ophtalmic Examination

Our Inyabu Malena Ke La "Kimmy",
was on her yearly eye check up at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb.

Her eyes are clear from heredity diseases!!



5th circle Omanovac winter training league

Barbara Tukara & Inyabu Saperlot "Sapi" doesn't give up.
They successfully finished 5th circle of Omanovac winter league. For 7.7 km, from Pakrac to mountain hut, they need a little more then one hour.

Barbara Tukara & Inyabu Saperlot



Seminar za stručno osposobljavanje

Prema novom "Zakonu o zaštiti životinja", svaka osoba odgovorna za uzgoj i brigu o životinjama u uzgoju kućnih ljubimaca namjenjenih prodaji mora proći seminar za stručno osposobljavanje.

Ministarstvo poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske odobrilo je program Hrvatskog kinološkog saveza koji je prvi takav seminar organizirao u Zagrebu 27.01.2018.

Na seminaru su predavali priznati stručnjaci većinom veterinarske struke koji su s nama, uzgajivačima podjelili svoja iskustva i znanje.

Nakon nekoliko dana dobili smo svoju Potvrdu o osposobljenosti koja se izdaje na vremenski period od 5 godina.

